I've suggested (& published in 21 journal papers) a new theory called quantised inertia (or MiHsC) that assumes that inertia is caused by horizons damping quantum fields. It predicts galaxy rotation & lab thrusts without any dark stuff or adjustment. My University webpage is here, I've written a book called Physics from the Edge and I'm on twitter as @memcculloch. Most of my content is at patreon now: here

Thursday 14 November 2019

From Galactic Scales to Lab Scales.

The best way to bring about the revolution in physics that we all need - getting rid of dark matter and dark energy, unifying physics and making propellant-less thrusters and new energy sources possible - is to demonstrate QI in the lab. That is being attempted by the two groups I am funding using DARPA funds. I am not at liberty to divulge what they are finding - not due to DARPA but because the experimenters wish their results to be held back till they are sure. This is understandable but their results at least have given me an indication of what might work. I'd like to get many groups to try horizon drives for themselves and this is my attempt to explain how to do that. Please note I am not an experimenter, yet, so my suggestions may be naive in some way - you may well know better, so feel free to tell us all in the comments below. Everyone is welcome, even careful unpublished results will be useful, though most useful would be groups who know how to be uber-careful about artifacts & how to publish in journals.

The Experiment:

1. Make or buy an asymmetric metal resonance chamber (emdrive shaped or similar) that has a very reflective inside wall, so that light of the wavelength you are going to use will bounce around inside it many times before being dissipated as heat (high Q).

2. Place this cavity with its narrow end pointing up, on a digital balance (scale) capable of measuring a change in weight of preferably 0.01 mg (depending on your setup, see point 4), with a fast enough response time that sudden 'jumps' can be seen (see point 5) and able to log data to a PC.

3. Decide some way to get light into the cavity. This could either involve firing a laser in through a hole or using a fibre-optic, or placing a light source in there, eg: an LED with attached battery/capacitor (less efficient as multiple reflections will be reduced). Try to avoid having cables going into your cavity - they produce em forces & external mechanical forces.

4. Activate the light source. QI roughly predicts a thrust force of F ~ PQ/c, where c is the speed of light. So, for example for a light source with power P = 4W and for a cavity with a Q (number of internal reflections) of 100 the force is 1.3 microN and the weight change is 0.13 mg.

5. Plot a time series of the force before and after activation of the light. The QI thrust (if there) will show up as an initial jump at switch on. Any effects due to heating should be slower. These two effects can be isolated as Sonny White did in his 2016 emdrive paper (see references).

Please make sure that the expected QI thrust given by your P and Q is bigger than the scale's sensitivity (ie: watch your Ps and Qs!). The full QI thrust formula is F=PQL/c x ((1/wb)-(1/ws)) where L = length of cavity, and ws and wb are the width of the small and big ends. The way to enhance the QI effect is to improve the reflectivity of the inside of the cavity (higher Q), boost the power of the light source (higher P) or change the shape (L, wb/ws). I am intending to try this for myself, but as the German proverb goes "Einmal ist keinmal, zweimal ist immer". "Once is never, twice is forever", or to use the scientific expression "Things must be repeated to be sure". As I said above I am a theorist, so some of my suggestions here will be naive in some sense. Please tell all of us in the comments if you see a better way!

Acknowledgements. The above experimental plan has benefited from others such as M. Tajmar, J-L Perez-Diaz, Russ George and T. Taylor. Also many others on twitter who have made suggestions. Thank you!


McCulloch, M.E., 2018. Propellant-less propulsion from quantised inertia. J. Space Explo. 2018 Vol: 7(3). https://www.tsijournals.com/abstract/propellantless-propulsion-from-quantized-inertia-13923.html

White, H., P. March, J. Lawrence, J. Vera, A. Sylvester, D. Brady and P. Bailey, 2016. J. Propulsion and Power. doi:10.2514/1.B36120 https://arc.aiaa.org/doi/10.2514/1.B36120