I've suggested (& published in 21 journal papers) a new theory called quantised inertia (or MiHsC) that assumes that inertia is caused by horizons damping quantum fields. It predicts galaxy rotation & lab thrusts without any dark stuff or adjustment. My University webpage is here, I've written a book called Physics from the Edge and I'm on twitter as @memcculloch. Most of my content is at patreon now: here

Friday, 28 February 2025

The Bullet Cluster Looks Like a QI Effect

The Bullet Cluster is often taken as a proof of dark matter, but dark matter is so flexible that anything could be taken that way. The cluster is shown in the composite picture below (from NASA's Chandra X ray observatory). The pink areas are the visible matter. The bullet, the pink 'cone' to the right, from its symmetry, looks as if it has moved from left to right and has crashed through the pink mass on the left.

Figure 1. The Bullet cluster, visible mass (pink) & inferred dark mass (blue)

By looking at the bending of starlight arriving from behind these masses, astronomers have proposed the presence of their favourite fudge, dark matter, shown by the blue areas. Well, I never did like fudge as a child, and I still don’t, so let’s see if quantised inertia will explain this instead and in a way that does not need fudging.

Quantised inertia predicts that every time the mutual accelerations get very low, and that happens especially along spin axes (see my referenced paper on the flyby anomaly below), then the inertia decreases in a new way and particles, including photons, should bend more under gravity, making it look like there is dark matter when it is actually a QI effect instead. Sure enough, the blue areas are along the spin axis of the cluster (a spin I have deduced quite reasonably from the rotational symmetry of the Bullet, its cone shape.)

Let’s see if the numbers fit. The mass of the Bullet is 2x10^14 Solar masses, and the distance to the centre of the blue area to the right of it, is, roughly 250 kiloparsecs. So the acceleration there is

a = GM/r^2 = 4.7x10^-10 ms^2

By now, if you have been following me for 20 years you may be getting fed up of this number (or values close to it) which crops of everywhere in deep space, but I love to see it. What this means is that the Bullet Cluster, far from proving dark matter, supports QI in two ways. The blue areas are along the axis as predicted by QI, and the acceleration is indeed low enough in the blue areas to make QI effects important.

I hope you have enjoyed this latest Bullet-in, for more like this, but twice a week, please subscribe at my patreon https://www.patreon.com/OneSteptoTauCeti


McCulloch, M.E., 2008. Modelling the flyby anomalies using a modification of inertia. MNRAS Letters, 389 (1), L57-60 https://academic.oup.com/mnrasl/article/389/1/L57/996711

Friday, 31 January 2025

Request for Support

I've been writing this blog for seventeen years now, and I will continue because I enjoy it and it gets the message out, but I would like to explain my change of circumstances. In 2017, I won $1.3M from DARPA to test whether quantised inertia can indeed produce propulsion and by the end of the project several labs in liaison with me had shown thrust. When the DARPA project started, in 2017, I bought myself out of teaching to work 100% on it. Unfortunately, in 2023 when I went back to the courses I had been teaching, they had shrunk: I was told the students didn't like positioning and matrix algebra anymore. How odd! I guess I had not been there to present it in an accessible manner :) So I was let go. I suspect part of the issue may have been my alternative physics and my non-woke opinions (I went through a disciplinary process for my non-woke comments on twitter in 2021).

Since 2023 I have been applying for jobs in academia, but I'm not getting any responses, which seems strange for a person with a lot of papers, evidence of funding at a high level, and high profile work. I feel a bit like William Shatner after Star Trek TOS ended, slightly famous but in dire straits. As a result, in order to continue I am designing an entirely new career that is anti-fragile, that won't suddenly disappear because my opinion differs from the crowd - freedom is essential for someone who wants to innovate. That's why I'm trying to become a publicly-funded physicist/author. I'm appealing for help from the largely non-woke technically-aware public since group-think seems to have blacklisted me.

The method I'm using so far is Patreon. The deal is that you can pay as little as £3 or 4$ a month to read accessible discussions of new anomalies and developments in quantised inertia. I was always a good teacher at university - I can explain complex things simply (I was told). I write a page or so twice a week and I am putting my papers on there as well, before submission:


There are options to pay £10 or more, which would help. I'm not ashamed to ask that if you do value my work, please do subscribe. My intention is to build an online university that offers a much better version of physics (and indeed the technique of science) than the old universities do: no dark matter, no eleven-dimensional strings, but driven by new observations, more predictive, philosophically coherent, simpler, and with hope for quantum launch, clean energy and interstellar travel (fully backed by evidence). As a student of this university you might be the one to make these things practically possible. It was after all, reading my papers that inspired Frank Becker to suggest capacitors as a solution, and get a patent. It was a talk by me at his astronomy club that caused Steve Cookson to co-publish a paper on wide binaries in a prestigious journal - it's rare for an astronomy club to achieve that. The public can contribute to science, if they keep up with the anomalies and the new wave. My Patreon is a way to do that.

QI is taking off (and I don't just mean the exciting IVO launch of a QI drive in March) and when it does, anyone in the know will be ahead. Besides, anomalies and QI are fascinating in their own right.

"The future belongs to those who show up" - Mark Steyn