I've been writing this blog for seventeen years now, and I will continue because I enjoy it and it gets the message out, but I would like to explain my change of circumstances. In 2017, I won $1.3M from DARPA to test whether quantised inertia can indeed produce propulsion and by the end of the project several labs in liaison with me had shown thrust. When the DARPA project started, in 2017, I bought myself out of teaching to work 100% on it. Unfortunately, in 2023 when I went back to the courses I had been teaching, they had shrunk: I was told the students didn't like positioning and matrix algebra anymore. How odd! I guess I had not been there to present it in an accessible manner :) So I was let go. I suspect part of the issue may have been my alternative physics and my non-woke opinions (I went through a disciplinary process for my non-woke comments on twitter in 2021).
Since 2023 I have been applying for jobs in academia, but I'm not getting any responses, which seems strange for a person with a lot of papers, evidence of funding at a high level, and high profile work. I feel a bit like William Shatner after Star Trek TOS ended, slightly famous but in dire straits. As a result, in order to continue I am designing an entirely new career that is anti-fragile, that won't suddenly disappear because my opinion differs from the crowd - freedom is essential for someone who wants to innovate. That's why I'm trying to become a publicly-funded physicist/author. I'm appealing for help from the largely non-woke technically-aware public since group-think seems to have blacklisted me.
The method I'm using so far is Patreon. The deal is that you can pay as little as £3 or 4$ a month to read accessible discussions of new anomalies and developments in quantised inertia. I was always a good teacher at university - I can explain complex things simply (I was told). I write a page or so twice a week and I am putting my papers on there as well, before submission:
There are options to pay £10 or more, which would help. I'm not ashamed to ask that if you do value my work, please do subscribe. My intention is to build an online university that offers a much better version of physics (and indeed the technique of science) than the old universities do: no dark matter, no eleven-dimensional strings, but driven by new observations, more predictive, philosophically coherent, simpler, and with hope for quantum launch, clean energy and interstellar travel (fully backed by evidence). As a student of this university you might be the one to make these things practically possible. It was after all, reading my papers that inspired Frank Becker to suggest capacitors as a solution, and get a patent. It was a talk by me at his astronomy club that caused Steve Cookson to co-publish a paper on wide binaries in a prestigious journal - it's rare for an astronomy club to achieve that. The public can contribute to science, if they keep up with the anomalies and the new wave. My Patreon is a way to do that.
QI is taking off (and I don't just mean the exciting IVO launch of a QI drive in March) and when it does, anyone in the know will be ahead. Besides, anomalies and QI are fascinating in their own right.
"The future belongs to those who show up" - Mark Steyn
Mike - sorry, but I'm living on a small pension over here and for the most part I manage to keep the outgoings about the same as income. Occasionally things break that I can't fix without spending money, and the remaining bank balance goes down a bit. Yep, some bits of interesting physics in progress that might change that, and if I start getting more income than I need I'll send some of it your way.
I'd have expected that any university would be wanting to employ you if they understood QI, so it's sad that you're having difficulties getting tenure somewhere. That might change if the thrusters get commercially available - I figure with new ideas you need to have a clearly superior device that uses those ideas, since mostly without that most people won't invest either the time to understand or the money.
I will be buying that new book of yours and donating when I have a more stable income this year.
How on earth can science advance without linear algebra?
Sure, it can be tough when one first encounters it, but when it is understood and either applied or built on with more, it becomes incredibly useful.
There’s no ML and very little data analysis without matrix algebra.
Hopefully you can earn an income from your books, patreon etc, tutoring and consulting.
20+ peer reviewed papers used to mean you were made a professor, IIRC.
My unsolicited advice: start podcasting. Have a lecture series, a current events one and one that you find interesting.
If you got ads, memberships and as reads for example on a video on how LENR might explained in terms of QI in why it happened and why it is difficult to reproduce, could be captivating if you set the background, told the story of Fleischman and Pons.
Maybe have a series of interviews. I recommend Steven B Krivit as a guest!
Hi Mike,
I’m sorry to read that you were let go by your university but glad to know of your ambitions to start one of your own. Apologies in advance for posting the following in a public forum, but I only have your former university email.
If you’re still on the lookout for an academic post, the University of Adelaide is looking for an experimental physicist & Lecturer, applications close on 1.25pm, Tuesday March 4, London time, (11.55pm Adelaide time).
“We are seeking to appoint an outstanding experimental physicist to a continuing position of Lecturer Level B. The successful candidate will work alongside the other members of the physics discipline at the University of Adelaide. We are looking to add to and/or augment areas of existing strengths in experimental physics around gravitational wave detection.”
Link: https://careers.adelaide.edu.au/cw/en/job/515013/lecturer-bc-experimental-physics
Adelaide is a great place to live, (I’ve twice almost moved there from my hometown of Sydney) and home to The Australian Space Agency and over a hundred space related organisations. If you need visa help, I have seen the co-founder of https://techvisa.com.au/ present his story as part of a start-up panels discussion about the phases of a start-up, from a garage to 200+ employees around the world.
I wish you all the very best, and hope you launch a YouTube channel and merch as well.
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